Before you start, as a reminder, the Makerspace operates three overarching types of firing

  1. Independent Firings. For members who are kiln trained to fire their own work

  2. Supported (Full Kiln) Firings. For members who have a full kiln worth of firing, are not kiln trained or would like some hands on support.

  3. Technician Area Firings. Where the Makerspace fires work on behalf of members

You can use this page to view the latest, live schedule of all firings at the Makerspace

You can use this page to book all three types of Firing. Please be reminded, Independent Firings should only be booked by those who have undergone the full Kiln induction and signed the declaration.

You can scroll down to the bottom section of this page and book an independent firing

Kiln bookings are based on a 24-hour period to allow for the loading and firing; when you use the kiln though it is in effect in use for 48 hours, by the time, it is cooled and unloaded so booking should alternate between small and large, kiln.

It is very important that you check the schedule for which specific kiln is being fired and make sure there is either a day between the booking or that you are using the alternative kiln.

When booking, you should also include in the notes the intended start time and temperature of the kiln firing.

Booked kilns should be fully packed and started by 3 pm on the day of the booking otherwise this will interrupt the schedule; if this issue is an issue, you should discuss this before booking, and you may incur a surcharge. We are operating a three strike system - if a member fails to follow the kiln guidance on three occasions they will lose the privilege of member access to the kiln.  

Makerspace Technician Area Firings are scheduled on Tuesday and Sunday. These will usually be in the large kiln, but you should regularly check to see what kiln is being used and start times – firing may be postponed to the following week, dependent on available work, we will not fire half empty kiln as this is not sustainable or cost-effective. The start times of these firing is not set and can happen upto 12 noon, all work for these firing should be labelled and in the space the proceeding day of the firing.

Continue to use the maker space shop to book an area in the regular Technician Area Firing and leave the labelled work in the waiting areas.

Bookings payments needs to be made prior to firing.

Key points and responsibilities for independent firings

  • Kilns to be up and running by 3pm on the day of the booking.

  • The MakerSpace reserves the right to turn off kilns that are started late.

  • Bookings can be cancelled only up to 48 hours before booking.

  • Only members who have been inducted on the kiln use are able to book and use kilns independently.

  • Members are personally responsible to bung kilns at the appropriate time (between 600-650c) failure to do this may incur a penalty fee as this increases firing time and unnecessary wear and tear on element life. You may ask others to bung the kiln, but if it is not achieved promptly, you will be liable for the penality fee.  If you are asking someone to bung the kiln for you, do this in a timely way, not when the kiln is at bunging temperature.

  • Members are personally responsible for ensuring kilns are packed safely, and glazed ware is appropriately cleaned and tested to avoid damage to kilns and shelves. Damage to shelves will now incur an additional fee. Damage to kiln and kiln shelves must be paid through the maker space shop.

  • Members are responsible for timing firings appropriately within their booked slot so that they can unload them in a timely way to allow subsequent firing to take place on schedule. If kilns need to be unloaded by the makerspace so that they can be used by other members or supported firings, the member will be charged an extra fee. Remember Kilns should be up and running by 3pm on the day of booking.

  • Only kiln inducted people should access the control gear that switches between kilns.

  • Members who are independently firing the kiln are responsible for planning and monitoring their firings to check that they are running as they should and confirming that the firing finishes within an expected time cycle.let the MakerSpace team know if you have concerns.

  • Members are responsible for reporting issues, and problems with firing in an ongoing way, such as slow or unexpected temperature raises, power cuts or other concerns - extended firings or over-firings due to lack of monitoring may incur the member repair fees.

  • Damage to the kiln interior, including the thermocouple that is caused by the member loading or unloading the kiln, will be repaired at the member’s expense.

  • If members fire other members’ work, it is your responsibility to pay for any damage to the kiln or kiln shelves caused by that work.

  • Kilns should not be open above 100 degrees.

  • Makerspace firings should only be unpacked by a makerspace team member unless specifically requested and approved by Peter Jones. This request should be made prior to your kiln booking.

  • NB at the top end of the temperature scale, our kilns run slower; this gets progressively worse as elements age, so don’t expect kilns to match your program accurately. They will inevitably take longer, so it’s important to fire them within a specific time frame.

  • There is a useful Kiln Camera set up to monitor the temperature of both kilns remotely.


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Excess fees/charges 

Fees can be paid in the shop

Description Large Kiln Small Kiln
Failure to bung kiln Between 600-650c £2.50 £2.50
Glaze damage to kiln shelf (per item) £3.00 £3.00
Glaze damage to kiln brickwork (per location) £12.00 £12.00
Kiln Unpacking £5.00 £5.00

Book space in a Technician Area Firing

If you just want a small quantity of work fired you can book either a full or half shelf below - these will then be fired in one of the regualr firing by the maker space.

For this service complete your purchase below

  1. Drop off your work off at the Makerspace and complete a YELLOW form an leave this with you work

  2. We will notify you when your work is ready to collect

Biscuit refers to any pottery that has been fired in a kiln without a ceramic glaze. This can be a final product such as biscuit porcelain or unglazed earthenware or, most commonly, an intermediary stage in a glazed final product.

Glaze firing will be either Stoneware or Earthenware, please note this on the yellow form you leave with the work.

Please not the makerspace waits until we have a full kiln before work is fired - we will aim to keep you updated on progress

A shortcut overview of our firing prices

Book a kiln for an Independent or Supported Firing

Below you can book and schedule a full kiln, you need to do this if you have a specific glaze temperature you want to use or have a complete kilns worth of biscuit ware. Independent firing are for those people who have undertaken the kilns induction course and can load, program and manage there own firings.

Remember for independent firings kilns need to be packed and on by 3pm on the day of the booking at the latest.

We reserve the right to turn off kilns fired late so that other members can keep to the kiln schedule.