One to one time with Printmaker and Illustrator, Heidi Sharp.


One to one time with Printmaker and Illustrator, Heidi Sharp.


Book a one to one with me at Colchester Makerspace to get hands on, direct support on our printmaking facilities. Especially if you want to master or get help with a Linocut or Risograph printing project.

£40 buys you an hour of my time but doesn't include materials which I’ll help you order from the member’s shop. For more time simply increase the +quantity to purchase additional hours.

Once I receive your booking I’ll contact you via email to arrange a suitable date and time. We can arrange to complete the time you buy in a single block or spread it over a number of days.

Having studied Fine Art, I am often inspired by the Pop Art movement and enjoy exploring the themes of social media and consumerism when working more conceptually.

Printmaking allows me to tap into these themes given its trait of being able to print such large quantities at a fast pace, reflecting the mass produced element of both areas.

However, I also enjoy making more light-hearted or humorous pieces for my own pleasure! At Makerspace, I can offer assistance and guidance within the print area, and you'll find me running the Linocut and Risograph workshops here.

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