Book a one-to-one session


Reserve some time with one of our Associate Artists to to get hands on, direct support on our ceramics or printmaking facilities.

£35 buys you an hour of an Associate Artists time. Simply increase the +quantity when booking to purchase additional hours.

Once you have chosen and they receive your booking, they will contact you via email to arrange a suitable date and time. You can arrange to complete the time you buy in a single block or spread it over a number of days.


Dates: TBA

Frequency: TBA  

Cost: from £35.00

Associate Artist: Your Choice!

Restrictions: 18+ 

Notes: You will be expected to provide your own materials or purchase from the Makerspace Shop

Refunds: Please review our refunds policy


Member Discounts

Makerspace members receive upto 50% off our classes. Membership includes 24/7 access to the space and all our equipment and starts from £10 a month.

Visit our membership page for details.